Working with Beachrock Construction

Finding a home builder or contractor in the Cowichan Valley that you connect with and trust is half the battle when planning your home renovation. We are a family owned and operated business with 15+ years of residential construction experience and a strong knowledge of building science and the building process in general. Our combined construction and management experience allows us to guarantee our client’s budget and timeline. You may have a lot of questions, or there may be some that you have not thought to ask. Below we do our best to answer those questions, and help you navigate the process of choosing the right local contractor for you.

Beachrock Construction Services

Do you offer free consultations?

Yes, we usually begin our process with a free telephone consultation to discuss the scope of work, and request that photos of the space be sent for review prior to the consultation. After the phone consultation we will schedule a “meet and greet” with you at no charge. This gives us a chance to meet each other in person and better visualize your project and space. To schedule a telephone consultation please email us at

free estimate

What is a pre-construction proposal?

Our pre-construction proposals outline the proposed renovation in great detail. The scope of work is broken down into sections so that the homeowner can fully understand the details involved in bringing their vision to life. Accompanied with this detailed scope of work is a detailed quote outlining the cost of each of these sections or project segments. Where appropriate, material costs are also disclosed in order for the homeowner to make educated decisions in regards to their overall budget. In cases where costs are higher than the homeowner was expecting, we assist in working through the design elements and the scope of work to see where areas might be scaled back, or design choices adjusted, to bring them in closer alignment with their budget.

Working with Beachrock Construction

What services do you offer?

Beachrock Construction Ltd. is a fully licensed residential home building company that offers custom and spec built homes, but we also do full home renovations, new construction contracts, and new builds of garages and out buildings. We take your project from the conceptual stages through completion by working with our community of highly regarded industry partners. We can help you with interior design and floor plan drawings, budgeting, engineering, architectural plans, obtaining permits, and bringing your project to completion on schedule. We work with quality insured trades people that are highly regarded in the community, and provide Travelers Canada New Home Warranty.

free consultations

Can I get a free estimate?

As experienced construction professionals we are ready to provide you with a rough cost based on previous projects and experience at no charge. A detailed estimate can be provided once all the necessary details of the project have been confirmed. We call this phase of the project the pre-construction proposal phase. Providing a pre-construction proposal is a time-consuming process. There are many variables to consider when providing an accurate proposal, so we do require a small monetary commitment from the client before moving into this phase. When a budget is disclosed however, we can let you know if it is in-line with your renovation ideas and make suggestions on what adjustments can be made to get the most out of your budget. This helps avoid surprises and unrealistic expectations in regards to budgeting.

renovation estimate chilliwack

Do I need to be prepared to discuss my budget?

Yes, many clients have a hard time disclosing their budget to contractors because they feel that the contractor will find a way to spend their entire budget even when it’s not necessary. This is not the case, and it is one of the many reasons why you need to find a contractor that is well regarded and that you trust and connect with. Contractors need to know your budget for several reasons, many of which are for your benefit.

You may not know what your project will cost, but you know what dollar amount you are not willing to exceed. Though a contractor does not need this number to quote your project, they do need it to make sure that your ideas and budget are in-line. Here is how it often plays out if you do not disclose your budget to the contractor…the contractor shows up and you walk them through your dream reno (“I want to remove this wall here, and put a window here, and I’d like a large walk in shower here.”…You get where I am going with this). The contractor then goes away and spends time working out a rough estimate for your big dream reno, only to shock you with a number that is 2x higher than what you wanted to spend. This then leaves you thinking that either the contractor is way overpriced or that you simply can not afford a renovation, neither of which are necessarily accurate. It may simply be that some of your design choices were much higher than you expected, and a few minor adjustments gets you a beautiful renovation that you love. It might also mean that you need to re-think your priorities to more closely match your budget.

What is commonly misunderstood is that a good contractor is not looking to spend as much of your budget as possible. Instead, they will do their best to help you reach your renovation and design goals while staying within your budget.

As a home owner, rather than thinking of it as “I want to get the job done as cheaply as possible,” it is much better to think of it as “This is how much I would like to invest in my renovation, how far can my contractor make my budget go.” It is almost the same thing, but the latter way of thinking makes the process much more efficient for everyone.

As Beachrock works through a pre-construction proposal, we know where to adjust the scope of work and design elements to keep your budget in check. If we go into it blind (not knowing what you would like to spend), we have no way of helping you meet your renovation and budgeting goals.

Do you carry workers compensation and business liability insurance?

Yes, Beachrock Construction Ltd. is fully insured and licensed, and ensures that all our partners and sub-contractors have both appropriate WCB and business liability insurance.

Will we get a written contract?

Yes, once you have decided that you would like to work with Beachrock Construction Ltd., we will provide you with a pre-construction proposal outlining the scope of work, your budget, approximate start and completion dates, payment schedule, a signed contract, and other details pertaining to your project.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept cash, cheque, e-transfer, or credit card. If you choose to pay with a credit card an additional transaction fee may apply.